Sunday, July 31, 2011


Uniqueness of Temples
Our ancestors were great. They constructed majestic and magnificient Temples to bring people together to offer prayers and be one with God. The temples of India will for ever stand as glorious land marks in every village, town or a metro city.
Here is an exhaustive list of how the temples have inspired our civilisation for centuries:
Centres of Environmental Protection & Promotion Centre
1. Temples serves the cause of Environmental Protection & Promotion besides providing greenery and water.
2. The Temple campus are vast with a lot of open space which served as a lung space for the village or town that housed the temple.
3. Thanks to the temple tank, the water was considered ‘holy’ deriving its source from the ‘holy river’ nearby. The domestic wells got plentiful of ground water.
4. “Stala Viriksha”, was a symbol of commitment to a diverse range of trees which reflected ‘diversity’; each temple has its own “sthala vrisksha’ or ‘tree’ of the temple.
5. Temple’s have a park (Nandavanam) plentiful with Flowering plants and trees to make floral offerings for the God which were also a treat to eyes apart from the fragrance they offered. They meant greenery and oxygen to breathe.
6. Coconut and fruit trees were also grown to obtain offerings to god and prasadam to devotees.

7. Leadership Development. People who take part in organising Temple festivals and functions attain their developer and leadership skills.
8. Team Building was automatic in the process; it develops unity amongst various castes and group.
9. The discourses developed various human development skills. They became good thinkers, communicators, motivators, speakers, and executors and could develop Human Relations & Public Relations skills.
10. Temples accommodate Tuition Classes and religion discourses conducted in the praise of god.

Fine Arts Sabha
11. Temples are theatres of Fine arts and also training schools of Fine arts.

Fine Arts College
12. Temple was a training place for fine arts, both dance and music from vocal to instrumental music.

Arts College for Painting, Sculpting, Handicrafts & Woodcarvings
13. Many types of arts in the form of paintings and sculptures were accommodated and encouraged. Sculptures of different kinds were made out of rocks, metal , wood, mud and cement. The temples are an Art Gallery with continous wood carvings right from the temple to temple chariot. Each Temple was created to be an Art Treasure. The paintings and sculptures were made to be a treat to the eyes and food for thought. The panchaloga (5 metal) statues are world marvels.

Training for Floral Artwork
14. The flower decorations for the deities grew from temples. They are beautiful and apart from providing fragrance soothed the eyes.

Culture & Heritage Centre
15. Temples promoted culture and became symbols of ancient civilization.
16. Temples stand as monuments representing great heritage of the past and for the future.

Physical Fitness Centre
17. Walking around the Temple became a good physical exercise. Rough granite stones made the path around the temple. People who walked received acupressure. Same thing is in respect of ‘Anga pradhashanam’.
18. The temple was Gym in a way. People carried a lot of heavy materials to take the deity in a processions. Performing ‘sashtanga namaskaram’, ‘bowing’, pulling temple chariot etc.

Mind Faculty development
19. Apart from prayer which helped mind resource development, people also meditated and got this benefit. The atmosphere is conducive for meditation.

Social Service & Charitable Institution
20. Temple also serves as a Social Service Organisation. Annadhanam was a routine in Temples. A lot of charity was rendered by the devotees through the Temple. During
natural catastrophes, Temples became the nerve centre in
mobilising and extending help.

Social organ for Socialisation & Social Net Working
21. Temples were a meeting place for people , a place to harvest friends and develop friendship

Community Hall for Celebrations
22. Temples facilitated social gatherings including ceremonies like marriages. Marriages and auspicious functions.

Catering & Hospitality Institute
23.Madapalli provides delicious prasadams. In olden days People used to cook food near the temple , hosted and ate. Annadhanam was a routine. Employment Exchange providing employment opportunities
24. Temple is also avenue for employment. Hundreds get direct and indirect employment. Jobs were always available for Carpenters , Electricians , Plumbers, Painters, Masons, Sculptors, Florist , Cooks, Musicians, Instrumentalists, Dancers, Gardner ,Barbers etc.

Vocational Training Institute
25. Many youngsters joined seniors and learnt the above said vocations in temples
Place for Relaxation
26. Temple was indeed a wonderful place for relaxation and rest. Because of its height, the place inside the Temple
was always cool even during summers. People who could not
bear the summer heat went to temples to relax.

Trade Development
27. Hundreds of shop keepers found opportunities to conduct trade and got a livelihood..

Animal Welfare Organisation
28. Animals like cows and elephants were sheltered. Birds like pigeons perched in the Temple towers. Peacocks were reared. People showered their love to animals.

Engineering & Architectural Marvel
29. Our forefathers constructed mammoth Temples even before electricity was invented and petrol was discovered. They didn’t have the advantages of energy resources or huge machines for construction which we have today.
30. The Temples were constructed by using only human resource. They made huge and tall stone pillars and erected them with perfect alignment. There were no lifts but they were able to lift huge stones to huge heights to serve as roofs. The structures were strong and stood the test of time. Today students of Civil Engineering and Architecture learn their subjects by visiting ancient Temples to study as well as to do research.

Counselling & Mediation Centre
31. Disputes were resolved between people and counselling made for individuals made here.

Harmony & Oneness
32. Temples brought oneness. People of all castes and different income levels worshiped together as equals before the deity.

Source of Motivation & Stimulation
33. Problems arose due to the lack of motivation among people in social issues. But temple was the greatest motivator for people. Even the poor could do everything to celebrate temple festivals on a massive scale due to motivation which the temple provided. Stimulation of six senses: Temples stimulated all six senses. The sculptures. wood carvings , sudar from deepam /diya (Lights & Arathi ) were treat to eyes and stimulated thevisual sense (seeing) , the temple bell and the music from the music instruments stimulated the auditory sense (hearing), the flowers and incenses stimulated the olfactory sense (smell), the prasadams stimulated the gustatory sense (taste), the worship with folded hands and walking around the temple bare foot on unpolished granite stones stimulated the kinesthetic sense (touch) and use of the five senses and hearing the discourses stimulated the analytical and creative think sense. (6th Sense). Regular goers always benefited.

What is a Sripadam/ Sripadam thangigal ?

What is a Sripadam/ Sripadam thangigal ?
"Sri Padam " The Lotus Feet of Sriman Narayana is the most sought after ,admired,a source for absolute peace ,happiness,mental stability,tranquility, you define it as you desire.The Golden ultimate action by all of us "surrender unto His Feet" is the journey all of us try to attempt and undertake.

While a number of us may have heard about SriPadam Thangigal a term to denote a group of persons who have dedicated themselves in the service of the Lord. They are the persons who carry the Archa Vigrahams of the deities,The Lord with His consorts,Thayar,other Lords in the temple ,Alwars and Acharyas .

Where all you find sripadam thangigals ?
In the Srirangam PeriaKoil you can identify these persons by their head gear which they wear in red colour. In Chennai you have SriPadam Thangigal at Triplicane Parthasarathy Temple,Nanganallur temples.Sathayanarayana Temple at T.Nagar.The SriPadam Thangigal at Triplicane ,over the years have organised themselves into an association and we are informed there are 100 srivaishnavite volunteers. As and when Swami Veera Raghavan has to visit Sriperumbhudur from Thirvellore,or for Devadi Rajans grand functions,Swami Mudaliyandan ThiruMasi Kettai Utsavam,the group involve themselves in these activities

In Mumbai we have Sri Balaji Sripadam thangigal sabha at SSAP Sri Balaji Mandir ,Dombivili (over 100 sripadams) & Sri Prahalada Varadhan Sripadam thangigal sabha at Chembur Sri Ahobila Mutt (around 100 sripadams). All of them are well educated ,employed having good position as well.

It is a great sight to see ( kana kan kodi vendum) over 100 of them gather early in the morning 6 A M during the SriRamanuja jayanthi when lord Sri Parahalada Varadha along with his consorts and Bhagwad Sri Ramanuja is carried on the shoulders of sripadams right from Ahobila Mutt , Chembur to Sri Krishna Sabha, Matunga situated about 8-9 Kms from Chembur.
Sri Balaji Sripadamthangigal Sabha was formed with the blessings of H H Srimad Srimushnam Andavan Swami in the year 2002 during the Mahasamprokshanam of the temple RajaGopuram.Since then the sabha has come a long way.
Many youngsters have joined the team of Sripadams over the years and have actively participated during the various festivities of the temple. The volunteers dedicate themselves in carrying the Arch Vigrahams from one sannadhi to main mandapam,Purappadu within the temple,main purappadu on the main streets around the temple. On the Garuda Vahan Purappadu Day it is a sight to see all youngsters about 100 of them in their teens some in the age group of 20 - 30,sporting ThiruNamam and in the attaire a Srivaishnavan visit the temple.On Bramha Utsavam Days they dedicate themselves for the purapadu of the Lord and after the night purappadu and upto the time the Swami returns to His Asthanam ,they are around to maintain the schedule.
The Sripadams have been assisting the temple in their various activities and also during the functions .
What are the other activities of the Sri Balaji Sripadam Thangigal Sabha ?
"Catch them Young” has been the slogan. A sizeable number of kids in the age group of 6 to 12 are encouraged into the sampradaya activities . Especially during Brahmotsavams ,these youngsters join the Purapaddu for Thayar & Perumal to assist the seniors.


Every Sunday @ 10 A M , Sri Vishnu Sahasrnama Paryanam is being recited at Sri Balaji Mandir , Dombivili and Akanda Sri Vishnu sahasranama Parayanam is held once in year.
The Sabha has been Conducting Veda Prabandha classes since long and shall continue to do so.
Over the years , one of the noble kainkaryams undertaken is to provide prasadams to all devotees visiting the temple on all Saturdays in the month of Puratasi.(for the whole day)
The sripadams undertake various kainkaryams at Sri Balaji Mandir, Dombivili voluntarily assisting the temple management in smooth conducting of various functions.
Whenever any learned scholar visit the temple , the sabha takes the opportunity to arrange for short upanyasams for the benefit of all sripadams and devotees during the Sundays after conclusion of Sri Vishnu Sahasranama Parayanam.
Our E Mail network has been very effective. With a humble beginning 10-15. Today the E Mail network has crossed over a 1000. This in return gets multiplied as many sripadams share these informations in their network .These informations are being shared in the various yahoo groups of our sampradaya.Various inputs received from our sripadams are being shared with our Email contacts. We have recently initiated our Blogspot from where one can be hooked to various activities of our sampradaya.
The Sabha has recently initiated a New Blogspot namely.,
wherein various informations & links wrt to our sampradaya are made available at one stroke. The special attractions are ;
1) The direct link to video links with regard to various function of our Srivaishnava Sampradaya through youtube.(ramaswamy43)
2) Link to “sravanam” 24 hours FM radio channel wrt to our srivaishnava sampradaya.
3) Links to knowlegde treasures of our sampradaya through E Books .
4) Sri vaishnava calendar.
5) Photo albums
6) Various articles of our sampradaya written and shared by many learned scolars.
7) ……..more to come
The sabha has arranged visit to Pandharpur and Sri Vari Seva kainkaryam during Annual Brahmothsavam at Tirumala, Tirupathi. In the days to come the sabha intends to expand and organize such events in future.
The Sabha has recently initiated a forum namely ., VARAN. This enables all those hooked into the network all over the globe to have access to the informations about the eligible VARANs.In addition to the above the Sabha has been of assistance informing about job opportunities and many sripadams have benefited by this & settle down to a good job.
We invite all Srivaishnavas around the globe to encourage such activities and also help in creation of such groups in all important temple towns. Let us pray Lord Sriman Narayana for increasing this tribe manifold.